Map of our travels

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Madrid, New Mexico
On this episode of CBS Sunday Morning we heard about a funky town in New Mexico with a fun Christmas tradition.  Their parade is led by a red-nosed Yak and includes some of the colorful residents of Madrid, NM.  We loved the quote that Madrid is a drinking town with a tourist problem.  Seems like a fun place to visit, and add to their tourist problem.  Add Madrid to the list!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Board Game Cafe

We recently just heard about the Spielbound Board Game Cafe in Omaha, Nebraska.  The owner used to host game night at his house and had amassed such a large collection of games, that he opened a cafe where anyone can come together to play games and enjoy great coffee, beer and pizza.
For us as avid game players, (and great coffee and beer lovers) this is a must see - must do.  We too have hosted many, many game nights and have a large collection of games that won't be going on the road with us.  This sounds like a great place to get our game night fix.  You can check out what games are available in the Spielbound Library of over 2000+ games.  

Friday, November 10, 2017

Top RVing Gadgets

I came across these videos and there were some great ideas I wanted to remember.  The first idea is from We're the Russos.  One idea I really liked was a GPS designed for RVers to help plan an obstacle/sharp corner/low overpass route. 

This video is from Freedom Theory.  They had a portable generator suggestion I wanted to remember and following their video a long list of links and resources.  To see more of their videos, check out their You Tube channel.

I've really come to appreciate how much there is to learn, but really how much can be learned from others who are sharing their wisdom, experiences, lessons learned and advice.  I'm so grateful for the nomads who are out there taking the time to write books and blogs, create videos and vlogs, and all the other social media avenues to help a fellow travelers.  Many, many thanks ya'll!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Lone Rock Beach

Just read a blog post on WatsonsWander about a great spot to camp on the beach on Lake Powell.  Saving it here to remember it.  Glen Canyon Recreation Area Lone Rock Beach

The Wave

Our friend Patti Reynolds shared some photos of The Wave and said we need to put them on "the list".  Until then, I'd never heard of or seen photos of this place.  Now, I'm hooked.  I watched a few different videos, but while I watched this one, I was thinking, "I need to get in shape so I can hike in the 2.5 miles to the Wave because this is AMAZING!  Patti was right, the list exists to be able to put places like this on it! 
The Wave is part of the Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, and is actually the Coyote Buttes North.  To hike into the Coyote Buttes requires a permit which is only available through a lottery.  The lottery runs four months in advance.  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Top 10 Lists

This is us - Carol and Kelly.  This was 7/7/17 when we bought the beautiful truck in the background.
I'm so grateful for the other bloggers who are sharing their experiences.  I've learned so much about full-time RVing before setting out on the road.  I just came across this list of 10 Things I Wish I'd Known before full-time RVing.  It confirmed many of my own beliefs.  We have been long time tent campers, and the love of camping is one thing that has shaped our desire to become full-time RVers.  I'm making a list of the 10 Reasons I want to Live the Full-time Dream.

  1. To spend more time in the great outdoors; to soak up the majesty of Nature!
  2. To explore and experience new places, new people, new things.
  3. To simplify; to live with less, to be able to enjoy life more.
  4. To connect: to put our attention on each other and savoring our time together.
  5. To disconnect: to break free of the ties that bind; the "work, mortgage, repeat" routine.
  6. To find the sun.  (AKA To get out of Dodge in the winter!)
  7. To be free to roam - stay as long as we want, look for new vistas when we are ready to roll.
  8. To grow - to face new challenges, to solve new problems, to learn skills.
  9. To be present - to slow down, to be in the present moment, to meditate, to be grateful.
  10. To have adventures and create wonderful memories together.
    Buying our beauty-ful Ram is step 1 in living the full-time dream.  Couldn't buy an RV until we had a truck to tow it.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Add Ewam Buddha Garden to the list

Just saw a video on Facebook about this place and I'm putting a link here to help me remember the name of this surprising and inspiring destination.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Top 50 US Landmarks Roadtrip

I love the idea of planning a route to hit all the major US landmarks.  I'm saving this here so I can find it again someday when I am ready to roll.